putting your money where your values are

source Adobe Blog by Kristine Hamlett on Lisa Nicole Rosado of We Are Women Owned on putting your money where your values are | Adobe

Lisa Nicole Rosado of We Are Women Owned on putting your money where your values are

How did the pandemic affect your business?

We’ve evolved a lot in the last two years. We were mainly known for in-person, pop-up shopping events, and once Covid hit, that wasn’t happening. While a few of the ideas were put into action as a result of the pandemic, they were seeded prior to it. We’d already started to shift our focus away from the pop-up events because of the toll it was taking on myself and my small team. So, prior to COVID, I knew things had to change in order to ensure that I was taking better care of myself and our team.

I had my gears going, but I wasn’t prepared for what was to come. Once the pandemic happened, I went into fight mode — I care so deeply about what I do, the people in our community, and the small businesses we had yet to support that at the time were struggling and really having a rough time amidst all the changes being thrown their way. As a result, we started to do virtual pop-ups and events, and started our paid membership community, the WAWO Sisterhood — a 24/7 supportive, uplifting space where members can ask questions, meet like-minded entrepreneurs, brainstorm and strategize, and share and learn from each other. We wanted to be a resource to these struggling small businesses

Image of Lisa Nicole Rosado and other women entrepreneurs around a conference room table having a conversation.

Is there a mantra you live by? values

I often repeat, “The inner work is essential to the outer work”. I have a tendency to overdo it and have had a habit of giving to the point where my cup is nearing empty, which has prompted me to find a better work-life balance

I’ve realigned my thoughts to do the most I can with what I currently have — rather than live above my limit in all aspects of my life. As a woman, a lot of guilt is associated (and wrongly so) with us not showing up above and beyond every single time. Rather than being 100 percent dedicated to giving all the time, I’m also working on receiving

I constantly find myself wondering “Am I providing value?” One thing that I am coming to understand is that there’s only so much that I can control and there is so much that is out of my control. While it might not always be apparent to those on the outside, as a team, we pour so much love, time, energy, attention, and resources into what we do. And, while at times, it can be overwhelming, we hang onto why it is that we do the work that we do, which continues to be our driving force, and do our best to carve out time to make sure we are nourishing ourselves in the process so that we can continue to do the work that we love to do and to do it well!

What would you tell your younger self?

That you will find the courage, that your voice will be heard, and that you’re going to help so many people in a meaningful way. I’ve always felt like I had so much to share, but I was so introverted, and hid from the world. In college at Pace University, I majored in acting, which helped equip me with the tools I needed to put myself out there, share my story and find my voice.

You’re constantly evolving WAWO – what’s next?

I don’t like to feel pigeonholed in any way — I’m constantly changing and so is our community, so we find ways to be flexible and honor where we’re at in the present moment. I often do a temperature check, poll the community, and really listen to where we’re at. I always aim to find more ways to utilize our platform, our network, our resources, and our audience to help these businesses thrive and get more eyes on them. I truly love the evolution and the ebb and flow of it.

Down the road perhaps we focus on city guides in support of brick-and-mortar businesses, retreats, larger-scale events, or even our own space.


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